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Prosecutors Seek 33-Year Prison Sentence for Ex-Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio

Former Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio is facing a 33-year prison sentence for his role in the January 6 Capitol attack.

Former Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio is facing sentencing by a federal judge for his role in a failed plot to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power from former President Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 election. Prosecutors are seeking a 33-year prison sentence for Tarrio, which would be the longest sentence related to the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack.

Tarrio was arrested in Washington, DC, prior to the riot for burning a Black Lives Matter banner from a DC church and bringing high-capacity rifle magazines into the district. He was ordered by a judge to leave the city. Tarrio is the final member of the Proud Boys to be sentenced in this case. He and three other leaders of the organization were found guilty of seditious conspiracy, while a fifth member was acquitted of the conspiracy charge but found guilty of other charges.

District Judge Timothy Kelly has consistently handed down sentences below the Justice Department's requests for Proud Boys members convicted in this case. Tarrio's lawyer argued against additional terrorism sentencing penalties, stating that Tarrio did not intend to overthrow the US government but believed he was saving the country.

During the trial, prosecutors presented evidence showing that Tarrio helped establish a command structure within the Proud Boys before January 6, outlining how members should operate at rallies. Although Tarrio was not present in Washington, DC, on January 6, he expressed support for the rioters online and maintained contact with his co-defendants on the ground.

Prosecutors claimed that Tarrio's toxic ability to control others and increase his own fame and stature fueled the violence and targeted the US government. They emphasized the Proud Boys' integral role in the breach of the Capitol and its direct connection to Tarrio's plotting and planning.

The sentencing of Tarrio follows previous sentences for other Proud Boys members involved in the attack. Ethan Nordean and Joseph Biggs, two high-ranking lieutenants of the organization, received prison sentences of 18 and 17 years, respectively. Zachary Rehl, a local chapter leader, was sentenced to 15 years, while Dominic Pezzola, a lower-level member, received a 10-year sentence. The prosecution argued that the Proud Boys' actions on January 6 were pivotal and contributed significantly to the violence and disruption of the certification of the presidential election results.

This article has been updated to include recent developments.

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